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EthoVision XT trial duration does not correspond with system time (Id 12015)
This error message indicates that EthoVision sees that the video has been streaming in at a slower rate than expected, normally due to camera or PC settings.
EthoVision XT error ID 14005 Chart creation failed
This error occurs when you go the Statistics & Charts section of EthoVision XT and you get warning message "Chart creation failed (Id 14005)"
EthoVision XT Resizer error (ID 8359)
If, when you try to grab a background image in the Arena Settings, you receive a warning message "Resizer error (Id 8359)", please reinstall the Resizer component.
Randomizing Events using EthoVision XT Trial Control
EthoVision’s trial control settings allow you to plan out sequences of events during a trial, with specified delays and durations. But sometimes it’s better to vary the delays or sequences unpredictably.
Color-marking animals for EthoVision
There are many options for colored markers that can be used on animals. Colors should be bright and distinguishable.
Incorrect drivers can result in error 12015 in EthoVision XT or missed samples or low frame rates.
Starting in EthoVision XT 17.0, EthoVision is too large to install from a single file. The download is provided as a zip file (compressed folder) which must be extracted to a folder before installation can proceed.
Can I get certain dependent measures (e.g., "distance moved") by zone in EthoVision XT?
It's possible to calculate any dependent variable in your Analysis Profile by zone(s). For example, you can get the “Distance Moved” within each quadrant zone in a Morris Water Maze study.
Why is the sum/total of the cumulative time for all of my zones greater than the trial time?
Time in the zones may not add up to the trial duration if the subject was not tracked for the entire trial, if zones overlap or do not cover the entire arena, or if the zone exit threshold is used.
This issue involves a situation where you do not see a video image in certain places in the EthoVision XT software.